Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is a Business Mentor?

IWORK4ME’s Business Mentors are individuals who have a background in business and life coaching. They have personal experience of being successfully self-employed. The team has an in-depth knowledge of the challenges faced by autistic people and has been working with clients since 2012 when IWORK4ME services went live.

2. How will self-employment affect my State Benefits?

IWORK4ME can arrange an appointment for you with an agency which specialises in advising people about benefit changes.

3. Do I have to pay for services?

No – there is no charge for our services. We regret we are unable to re-imburse you for travel expenses incurred in attending meetings

4. My business idea is quite unusual. What will the business coaches say?

Over the years we have advised people with interests ranging from snake breeding to jewellery making. We will offer advice based on your interests, skills and commitment. Please note we will discourage you from embarking on a business venture which is illegal or simply not viable.

5. I have more than one idea, is that OK?

In your early meetings, we will help you prioritise which of your ideas to proceed with first. We do this by considering (with you) your interests, your past employment history, your current financial situation and your support network.

6. Can a carer, family member or friend attend with me?

Yes – we actively encourage you to bring along anybody you wish to bring to make you feel more comfortable at our meetings.

7. Where will meetings take place?

Meetings are attended by people from all over Scotland online via ZOOM app.

8. How long will meetings last?

Typically a meeting will last for 30 minutes and meetings usually take place every six weeks, dependent upon the needs of the client.

9. Is it possible to conduct meetings via Skype or telephone or receive support by email only?

Advice and information is online via ZOOM app.  We operate an appointment system on Wednesdays.  To make an appointment, or for further information about our service, please contact

10. Does your team have first hand knowledge of self-employment?

Yes, our Business Mentors have extensive personal experience of self-employment.

11. Can you provide funding for my project?

No, IWORK4ME offers no direct funding support.

12. Does support cease after my business is launched?

No – This is a unique service, because IWORK4ME has identified how important it is for clients to have ongoing support both during set up and beyond, clients will retain support from IWORK4ME for as long as is needed. We recognise that after business launch and as a client’s self confidence grows it is likely that the need for support will diminish.